Saturday, August 25, 2007

Advice: If being abused, what to do


Here are some resources to get some help and assistance in Canada: - has a long list of resources for women for each province in Canada i.e. shelters etc. - kids help phone is a 24 hour service where counsellors speak to kids about any issues. The toll free number is: 1-800-668-6868 in Canada

But this is my advice to anyone who is reading this and is getting abused, tell everyone you know and meet and tell them what happened and someone will help you out.

Don't be afraid to tell your counsellors, teachers, police, relatives, friends and their families, priest, rabbi, reverend, kids helpline, go to any community center and tell someone, tell your family doctor, walk into an emergency department of a hospital and tell them what is going on, walk into a police station and tell them you need help, dial O and ask for the police on any phone, dial 911 if you have to.

Do anything to keep yourself safe. Tell a school nurse or counsellor or a teacher. Tell them all of what is going on, what type of abuse you are experiencing, who is doing the abuse and how many people and where the abuse takes place.

Get names and phone numbers, street addresses of your abusers and bring them with you. Where the abuser works or where their house is. What is their cell phone number, home number, work number, where do they work, get the addresses, names of their friends, family etc. Somebody will help you.

Call your local police station and ask to speak to a police officer, if that person does not help you, call again and tell the operator that the person they referred you to did not help you and ask for someone else to help you.

You may be afraid to say anything to anyone thinking they may not believe you but someone will, just keep telling your story to as many people as you can, there is hope out there, No one has the right to abuse you under no circumstance no matter what you did or may have said to someone. It is against the law to abuse someone.

If someone puts pressure on you to have sex that is not ok.

You deserve to be treated with respect and not be violated either sexually, physically or emotionally.